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The mysterious "NX"


Not much is known about Nintendo's pet project, codenamed "NX". In fact, all we really know about it is how little they've "revealed" about it since it's announcement in 2015 (because we all know how much they like to leave us in the dark). Luckily for anyone who hasn't been looking out for more information about Nintendo's upcoming console, I've gathered up what I know of it thus far.


From what's known about the NX, it's not likely that we're going to be going to they'll be releasing games in any type of disc form. Which means that their games will likely be download only and/or in cartridge form.

In saying that, I'm hoping to hell that they release them in cart form. With a mini hard drive in the cart to store the game and your saves (like in the good ole days) with the addition of a memory card slot (both the game and mem card would hold copies of your saves) lest you bring your game with you to a friends and lose it. We've seen many different pictures of what the NX and the controller may look like, but if you don't already know by now, they're ALL fakes. As are any of the pictures of the controller.


While Sony and Microsoft are treating their buyers to shrimp and steak dinners, dedicated Nintendo fans are left patiently sitting on their hands to steal some onion rings from their friends every once in a while. We're left with the raw end of the stick most of the time and when we win out, it feels glorious, but we need more wins than losses. We need more good than bad. We NEED Nintendo to stop neglecting their fanbase!


So we know next to nothing about the consoles hardware, much less the controllers hardware. We know that the NX is slated for release in March of next year (2017), but a reminder to everyone who's still reading this, Nintendo has been going back on the word a lot as of late. We know that The Legend of Zelda is supposed to be a launch title along with more than likely another Super Mario title and/or Super Smash Bros. but what else?

They've announced they're "considering" Rocket League, a game that's already been released on the Xbox One and PS4, for the NX. Bandai Namco is currently developing titles for the NX, Square Enix is considering porting Dragon Quest X to the NX and releasing Dragon Quest XI on it is well. If that doesn't get you at least somewhat excited, I'll leave you with this. Nintendo has hinted that they're working on a new VR system!

Okay, okay, I already know what you're thinking, "Last time I used one of those it looked like shit and gave me a migraine." or "Everybody's coming out with them now. What makes theirs so special?" I have absolutely no idea because though they've hinted at it, it's not been confirmed. More on the way when I have it.


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